Entries by Gavin

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Wild Carrots

I was out for a wander in deepest Essex recently and I came across a patch of land where Wild Carrots (Daucus carota) seem to thrive. You can barely take a few steps without tripping over some. Anyway, I wasn’t entirely prepared, but I did a quick video on my phone so I could show them… […]

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A Definition of Foraging

Introduction to a foraging definition I wanted to post something along the lines of a definition of foraging and what it means to me, but I am in no way an absolute authority, hence it’s more of a discussion point rather than a hard and fast definition. This is what it means to me, but […]

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Structure and Parts of a Leaf

No seriously! It’s more complex than you might imagine, and having a common language really helps when talking about the parts of a leaf. For the avoidance of doubt, leaf refers to both the flat type that you imagine, and the needles and scales found on some evergreens. This is not a complete reference, just […]

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The Parts of a Flower

I’m finding that as I learn more about plants and trees, it’s becoming increasingly useful to understand some of the botanical words and phrases that are used. Not just the Latin names (which are helpful sometimes), but also the parts of plants. So the long long white things with yellow things on the end, become […]

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Edible Desk Pretties (Edible Wild Flowers)

I came across some edible wild flowers on a walk, and they reminded me of my wife, so I brought a few home for her to brighten up her desk. Pretty flowers for my gorgeous wife, Samantha. So hopefully they’ll provide some inspiration whilst she works; and if she gets peckish, she can have a […]

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Hedgerow Beauties – Edible Spring Flowers

Given the time of year, we all know that the countryside is full of green and flowers, I was out looking for edibles when I came across these edible hedgerow beauties, so I thought I’d share these spring flowers with you. Wych Elm (Ulmus glabra) spring flowers First up is the Wych Elm. This tree, […]

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Forage close to home

Strictly speaking, this post isn’t about foraging as such, more like plant identification. The key point is this: You need to be able to positively identify plants in order to be able to forage for them. However, if you don’t live near the great outdoors, you can practice your plant ID anyway. For example, just […]