Entries by Gavin


All About Chickweed

Chickweed is nutrient and medicinal component rich, and grows just about everywhere, and in large quantities. It tastes like a mild rocket leaf raw, and is so freely available that it’s a surprise that we don’t use it more. Habitat Stellaria media is widespread in North America, Europe and Asia. A cool-season annual plant native […]


Foraging on the Coastline – Part 4

Jen Wiss-Carline is a speara and keen coastal forager. In this series of posts, she shares some tips on how to make the most of the free food waiting to be found along our shores. In my previous posts, I’ve introduced foraging on the coastline and what you can find along the seabed at low […]


Foraging on the Coastline – Part 3

Jen Wiss-Carline is a speara and keen coastal forager. In this series of posts, she shares some tips on how to make the most of the free food waiting to be found along our shores. In my previous posts, I’ve explored foraging for cockles, mussels, scallops, winkles, and oysters. These tasty finds from the shore […]


Foraging on the Coastline – Part 2

Jen Wiss-Carline is a speara and keen coastal forager. In this series of posts, she shares some tips on how to make  the most of the free food waiting to be found along our shores. I hope my previous post inspired you to venture out and explore what the coastal larder has to offer. There’s […]


Foraging on the Coastline – Part 1

Jen Wiss-Carline is a speara and keen coastal forager. In this series of posts, she shares some tips on how to make the most of the free food waiting to be found along our shores. When I was a little girl, I used to love filling my plastic bucket with sea creatures for my mum […]

Elderflower Cordial

I love the smell and the taste of Elderflower, so every year it is a race to make as many things as I can from them to last for the rest of the year. This is one of the most versatile options because you can use it to make so many other things. What you’ll […]