Blog Elements

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It has taken me a while to post this, so apologies for my tardiness. Earlier this year, in conjunction with Bwyd Powys Food and Builth Wells Community Hub, I led a wild food and foraging session with the aim to help local low or zero income families to learn about seasonal eating and how to improve their health for free, whilst increasing their nutritional intake.

It was a bit wet and cold, so a few people dropped out but we had eight people out and getting wet whilst learning about what is safe to eat and what isn’t, including 5 adults and 3 children.

We saw Stinging Nettles, Plantain, Dock, Hawthorn, Ground Elder, Cleavers, Mullein, Dandelions, Blackthorn flowers, Common Sorrel, Garlic Mustard, and Ground Ivy.

The learner foragers each took an identification card and harvested their chosen plant to be taken back to the hub.

Back at the hub we added some of our herbs to hot water to infuse and make a stock, meanwhile we got to chopping onions and plants. The younger members were tasked with frying the onions, adding risotto rice and gently cooking the risotto whilst adding the stock. When the risotto was cooked, they added the chopped plants and some grated cheese.

The risotto went down really well (especially with the younger foragers! Adults, take note, lol).

The session went down well, and we hope to repeat it at other times in the year to help educate about seasonal eating.

If you would like to do something similar with your group/organisation, reach out to Gavin at

Elderflower Cordial

I love the smell and the taste of Elderflower, so every year it is a race to make as many things as I can from them to last for the rest of the year. This is one of the most versatile options because you can use it to make so many other things. What…

Rosehip Cordial

Rosehips have been used for many, many years and it's common knowledge that there is more vitamin C, pound-for-pound, than in an Orange. But what does it taste like? Well that's a difficult question to answer as there isn't anything else similar…
Dandelion Root "Coffee" Cake

Roasted Dandelion Root “Coffee” Cake

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This cake is delicious and simple, and tastes a lot like coffee despite having no coffee in it! Making the Roasted Dandelion Roots Gather and clean your dandelion roots. Remove the stringy little roots and cut into 5mm pieces. Pre-heat…

Rosebay Willowherb Pickles

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Not so much a recipe, more just an idea of what to do with these wild vegetables. Usually, they’re steamed or boiled and used as a wild alternative to asparagus, but get them young and small enough and they make an excellent pickle. Ingredients: Apple…

Stinging Nettles

Stinging nettles have been used for dyes, fibres, herbal remedies and food for hundreds of years. During WW2, the British used nettles for their dark green dye for camouflage, and the Germans used huge quantities of nettles for their fibres…

Stinging Nettle Cordial

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