This dish was created using the Wild Veg box from Totally Wild UK*, using the foraged ingredients, sea bass and a few other simple ingredients. Any of the foraged ingredients can be swapped out for similar foraged or shop-bought ingredients if you need to.

*Totally Wild UK don’t appear to be doing wild food boxes any more, please keep an eye on their website for any changes.

Ingredients to serve 2

  • Knob of butter (make this recipe dairy free by substituting with dairy-free spread)
  • 100g Girolles mushrooms
  • 200ml vegetable stock
  • A splash of birch sap wine (any white wine will do)
  • Small handful of fresh basil and parsley
  • A handful of sea spray leaves
  • 2 pinches of crushed alexanders seeds
  • 200g sea beet leaves
  • 200g marsh samphire

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